Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The good news is that I'm talking about my blog and not my children. The good news is that my blog has been horribly neglected because the boys and I have been really busy and having a lot of fun. The good news is that I usually have my camera with me. The bad news is that I haven't documented any of it in months and I can't imagine ever catching up!

So, I'm going to try to be better about posting more often, but don't hold your breath. I'm finally downloading the last months pictures from my camera, so there is the chance that I've only really skipped one season on the blog...the busiest and most fun, the summer! Maybe I can work my way backward.

Anyway, stay tuned...

Monday, June 23, 2008

The things kids say...

We got home from the store the other day and I was getting everyone out of the car when I noticed that Evan was asleep in the carseat. So, I said to Jared and Brandt "look, the peanut is asleep. Isn't he cute?" Brandt responded with a big grin "I'm going to wake up the cute little penis." The things kids hear...

I was also told that "penises have peanuts in them" in a very serious tone a few days later. Don't remember who started the conversation, but they both agreed and elaborated. I don't remember the details.

This morning Jared looks at Rocky the cat washing his tail with his legs sticking up in the air and says to me "Mommy, Rocky's shaving himself!!!" Hmmm... I know that Rocky loses his hair once in a while, but I never considered that he shaved!

On the topic of shaving, Brandt was in the bathroom while daddy and I were getting ready this morning. Bill was putting his lenses in and Brandt saw his electric razor on the counter and says "daddy, you have to shave your teeth!"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

One hot Saturday

Our day started out like any other Saturday. Jared and Brandt had soccer with daddy and Coach Couto. Today was the last class, so mommy and Evan went to watch. At the end of each session, the class does a cheer. It's a lot of fun!

After soccer, we took a ride to Touch-A-Truck at a local church. The boys got to see and sit in lots of different kinds of trucks. They particularly liked the fire truck and tractors!

Farmer Jared chatting with daddy...

Farmer Brandt having fun...

Jared loved the big bouncy slide that they had there. It took threats and bribes to get him to leave!

Brandt wasn't too crazy about it and preferred to look at the big trucks with daddy and Evan.

When we got home, we had a lot of fun in the backyard with the pool, the slide and the pool and the slide together!

Evan worked on his tee ball skills while the big guys raced with daddy.

All in all, it was a very good day!
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I need new underwear...

It's not even 9:00am.

Brandt (coming out of the bathroom sans pants): Mommy, I need new underwear.
Me: Why?
Brandt: The old ones are dirty.
Me: No, honey, we changed them this morning after you spilled milk all over yourself. They're clean.
Brandt: They're wet.
Me: Did you have an accident?
Brandt: No.
Me: How did they get wet?
Brandt: I put my foot in the potty after I did pee pee.

Ugh. The day will get better, right?!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Busy few weeks...more pictures!

So, the last few weeks have been busy ones. My big guys are three now and I'm afraid that they are about ready to give up their naps. So, I'm doing a little experiment. Actually, it's not an experiment at all. I'm simply trying to tire them out every morning so that they pass out all afternoon. I feel an immense sense of pride and relief when all three kids nap at the same time and it lasts longer than an hour. What a wonderful thing!

As a result, we've been going lots of fun places and spending LOTS of time outside playing on the swingset, riding tricycles, going to the playground, going to our local zoo and visiting our local indoor playspace. Thus, lots of photos to share!
Here goes, in no particular order...

At the "little" zoo...

At the mall playground (note Jared in the background snooping in someone else's Build-A-Bear box)...

Trying to get them to pose for a group photo...ha ha!

Playing with Grandpa Ed's remote control Jeeps...

Evan enjoying the big guys' tricycles...

Blackmail photos of Evan from our playspace...

And one forgotten shot from our Bronx Zoo outing...

It's time for me to clean up for a playdate tomorrow and hit the hay, but I'll be back with more... I promise!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pictures from the Bronx Zoo

We had a great time at the zoo and actually got a few pictures of the monkeys we brought with us!

Our first stop was the Congo Gorilla Forest where Brandt and Jared came face to face with another monkey. I'm not sure who was looking at who!

We went on the Bug Carousel and Evan really enjoyed it!

Photo catch-up: Birthday #3 for J&B

As promised, I finally have time to upload some pictures of our recent adventures.

First up are some pictures of Jared and Brandt's third birthday celebration. They both requested cupcakes with chocolate icing, so it made life easier for me! Grandpa Ed made Baba's long-lost, yummy Napolean recipe. Yum!

Ok, so the pictures aren't great, but you get the idea!

Brandt was really excited about Grandpa's Napolean!

Everyone was sad to say good-bye at the end of the party.