Monday, June 2, 2008

Busy few weeks...more pictures!

So, the last few weeks have been busy ones. My big guys are three now and I'm afraid that they are about ready to give up their naps. So, I'm doing a little experiment. Actually, it's not an experiment at all. I'm simply trying to tire them out every morning so that they pass out all afternoon. I feel an immense sense of pride and relief when all three kids nap at the same time and it lasts longer than an hour. What a wonderful thing!

As a result, we've been going lots of fun places and spending LOTS of time outside playing on the swingset, riding tricycles, going to the playground, going to our local zoo and visiting our local indoor playspace. Thus, lots of photos to share!
Here goes, in no particular order...

At the "little" zoo...

At the mall playground (note Jared in the background snooping in someone else's Build-A-Bear box)...

Trying to get them to pose for a group photo...ha ha!

Playing with Grandpa Ed's remote control Jeeps...

Evan enjoying the big guys' tricycles...

Blackmail photos of Evan from our playspace...

And one forgotten shot from our Bronx Zoo outing...

It's time for me to clean up for a playdate tomorrow and hit the hay, but I'll be back with more... I promise!

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