Monday, June 23, 2008

The things kids say...

We got home from the store the other day and I was getting everyone out of the car when I noticed that Evan was asleep in the carseat. So, I said to Jared and Brandt "look, the peanut is asleep. Isn't he cute?" Brandt responded with a big grin "I'm going to wake up the cute little penis." The things kids hear...

I was also told that "penises have peanuts in them" in a very serious tone a few days later. Don't remember who started the conversation, but they both agreed and elaborated. I don't remember the details.

This morning Jared looks at Rocky the cat washing his tail with his legs sticking up in the air and says to me "Mommy, Rocky's shaving himself!!!" Hmmm... I know that Rocky loses his hair once in a while, but I never considered that he shaved!

On the topic of shaving, Brandt was in the bathroom while daddy and I were getting ready this morning. Bill was putting his lenses in and Brandt saw his electric razor on the counter and says "daddy, you have to shave your teeth!"

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