Sunday, June 1, 2008

Forgotten Blog?

So, it seems that my blog has been abandoned before it ever began. I had every intention of posting humorous stories, pictures and sweet accounts of my boys' daily adventures. Alas, it seems that I haven't had time. We've been too busy having the adventures and when we we're home, I'm overcoming my addiction to Facebook. I will try to do better. I promise! In fact, doing better should be easy, as I've done nothing so far.

Here, some real content--we went to the Bronx Zoo on Friday. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day and the boys were cooperative all day. They enjoyed seeing the animals, riding the monorail in Wild Asia and taking a spin on the Bug Carousel. When Jared heard us tell Grandma 'Zilda that he went on the monorail, he clarified that "the monorail is a green train called 'Percy'." I had a chuckle. I guess he likes the Thomas the Tank Engine stories. Brandt loved seeing the giraffes and elephants, Jared enjoyed the waterfalls and turtle shells in the Children's Zoo and Evan loved any animal he spotted while free from his stroller--especially the monkeys.

I'll post some pictures when I get them off of my camera--I promise!

1 comment:

sjaa said...

Maybe you'll be a better blogger as I am...I update about once every couple of months, if lucky. :) So nice to see the boys on their adventures!