Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I need new underwear...

It's not even 9:00am.

Brandt (coming out of the bathroom sans pants): Mommy, I need new underwear.
Me: Why?
Brandt: The old ones are dirty.
Me: No, honey, we changed them this morning after you spilled milk all over yourself. They're clean.
Brandt: They're wet.
Me: Did you have an accident?
Brandt: No.
Me: How did they get wet?
Brandt: I put my foot in the potty after I did pee pee.

Ugh. The day will get better, right?!

1 comment:

mini me's momma said...

What I have to look forward to...Nicholas is NOT potty trained yet. Ugh. Glad to see another blogger :-)